iki sayi giriniz: Girdiginiz sayilar : 0 4197040
Toplamlari : 4197040
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Programı sildim tekrar kurdum sorun düzeldi en basit kodları bile yazmaz olmuştu program hataya düştü anlaşılan
.Bunda hata vermediğine göre sorun yok
// This program allows the user to edit a specific
// record in the inventory file.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
const int DESC_SIZE = 31;
// Declaration of Invtry structure.
struct Invtry
char desc[DESC_SIZE];
int qty;
double price;
int main()
// Variables needed to read the file.
Invtry record;
long recNum;
// Open the file.
fstream inventory("invtry.dat", ios::in | ios::out |
if (!inventory)
cout << "Error opening file.";
return 0;
// Move to the desired record and read it into record.
cout << "Which record do you want to edit?";
cin >> recNum;
inventory.seekg(recNum * sizeof(record), ios::beg);
inventory.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&record),
// Get new data from user and edit in-memory record.
cout << "Description: ";
cout << record.desc << endl;
cout << "Quantity: ";
cout << record.qty << endl;
cout << "Price: ";
cout << record.price << endl;
cout << "Enter the new data:\n";
cout << "Description: ";
cin.getline(record.desc, DESC_SIZE);
cout << "Quantity: ";
cin >> record.qty;
cout << "Price: ";
cin >> record.price;
// Move to the right place in file and write the record.
inventory.seekp(recNum * sizeof(record), ios::beg);
inventory.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&record),
// Close the file.
return 0;